Love this article, a great example of “what gets measured gets managed!”

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Or, in my case, 'what gets measured, gets turned into an article' 😂 Cheers Sean! I'd love to know what your stats are....

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Mar 16Liked by David Charles

I found myself in a real funk recently, unable to be decisive about my upcoming travel plans and I have noticed how much my brain fog and I'll mood is linked to doomscrolling. While this isn't a direct correlation, doomscrolling is something I noticibley begin to do more and more the longer I stay indoors, since on the road I'm very often camping and even if not of course I spend my days cycling. I would he interested to see my outdoor stats but I'm not sure I need a new statistic to he obsessive over right now 😂 I could however, export my ride data and nights spent camping count (already tracked metrics) and calculate a quick minimum for the past year (not counting the three months I've become a plain old inside dweller in Istanbul)

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And roll the dice on your travel plans! 🎲🎲 😁

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Doomscrolling - ugh. It's great you've noticed that (near) correlation. I wonder if it's because being outdoors is just so much more interesting than generalised doom content? But (and this is our Achilles heel) humans are crap at predicting quite how good being outside will feel. We kind of suspect that our phones are more fun. We're just wrong. Over and over and over again!

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Mar 17Liked by David Charles

And I think that as well as everything else just being better to look at when outside, of course my entire framework is cycle touring and wild camping, but everything take so much time to do. You don't flip in a kettle, you build a stove, fetch your water, unpack your coffee, and so on, then sit in your hammock enjoying a coffee watching the nature match. And then, if course, there's just power to consider haha

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Mar 17Liked by David Charles

While I'm aware of our terrible prediction engines, I think it's just laziness, choosing the shortest route. Going outside involves changing clothes, planning a route, checking the weather, charging gadgets, bit a phone can be started at ajdnifnyiur battery is low you can even tether yourself to the wall if you want, the shorter the cable the better 😂

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Mar 16Liked by David Charles

Hi, I have ME/ Cfs, and have always loved the Great Outdoors, and feel grateful for all the wonderful unspoilt scenery I live close to, and all the brilliant scenery I've visited both near and far. But over the last decade or so time indoors and screen time has dominated my life.

Your blog has encouraged me to do something about it..go camping or get an electric bike.. I have a car but only go out for short walks.

I was lucky to have a dad who worked outdoors, and was out in local pubs every evening and took us out for trips at w/e's and every school holiday. He'd been brought up in N Wales, and needed that connection.. I still crave it but lack resources..

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Hi Jackie! That sounds tough, but it's great to hear you're feeling motivated to get outside more. An electric bike could be a great solution!

This article links to interesting research on how much fun e-bikes are and how much more outdoorsy time e-bike riders get: https://electrek.co/2024/02/20/why-electric-bikes-give-more-exercise/

I hope you can get hold of one!

If not, then camping is brilliant. I had a friend who camped on her own balcony all winter because she was feeling deprived of outdoor adventures! So I guess the benefits of camping don't mean you have to go far!

Thanks for getting in touch and do let us know how you get on 😊

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Mar 20Liked by David Charles

Thank you! Living without your own patch to sit in, or a balcony, isn't much good for anyone I think, but it's what most folks do in the west I think.

I had a look at a couple of bikes in Halfords, but they're quite heavy. Where I live is quite hilly, so the 20 mins battery time it promises is bound to be aot less I reckon! I'll have a look at the link.. big thanks!

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Crikey - yeah, 20 minutes doesn't sound very promising! I know that some bike shops will let you borrow an electric bike for a trial. Worth asking, especially if you've got more of a specialist bike shop nearby.

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You're right, it isn't very good! I'd hate to get stuck with a heavy bike! However I will keep looking until I can resolve issues..


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