Jul 23Liked by David Charles

That night ride looks great, although rather long. I.have so many thoughts regarding digital minimalism Ii don't really know how to respond, but with dispondence and procrastinatory anxiety, and a long lost of excuses as to why I'M different and why I NEED these apps l.. fully aware that's predominantly the addition justifying itself. Sigh.

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Whatever it is - delete it! I still don't have a browser on my phone. Not needed.

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Jul 24Liked by David Charles

My argument is that when you travel full time it's needed. Opening menues from a QR code where they have no printer menues, finding ferry times in yet another new city, when you don't have the data to be downloading yet another timetable app, let alone creating an account for it and there are things, for example with Substack, which can't be done on the app and only in a browser. Yes I could on my laptop but my laptop time is rare, and can then consume more time to stop, find a safe space, (buy a coffee,) where there's a plug, get WiFi, and so on and so forth. I'm completely aware that these all sounds like "reasons why my situation is so much different from everybody else" which is exactly the same excuses everyone has, but.. I feel like theres definitely some weight behind it. Delaying with officials and travel and all sorts on the side of the road could he difficult, of not impossible sometimes, without a browser. All that being said, I just need to delete Instagram or break the doom scrolling habit 😕 for me, my browser is not the issue 😂

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Exactly! Whatever the issue is, you can choose to delete it 💙

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Jul 24Liked by David Charles

But.. but.. I need followers else I have no worth! (Joke?)

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Even easier - just leave the browser on your phone, but don't use it unless you have to. They have their uses. I use my laptop browser a lot (that's how I am reading your post) but on my phone maybe 90% of its use is to avoid having the dreadful Facebook app installed. Willpower!

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Ahhh, Richard - you have a stronger mind than me! I wish willpower was enough 😄 So far, I haven't had any issues with uninstalling my phone browser; it's only reduced the amount of mindless time I spend on my phone. I guess if I do need a browser for something, then I can always install it temporarily. The experiment continues!

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Jul 9Liked by David Charles

"Don't use it unless you have to" - bwahahahahahaha, sounds SO simple when you put it like that.

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