This piece about noticing moments really resonated with me. I have days where it feels like my mind is open and I notice lots of things and enjoy many moments, but also other days where I’m just going through the motions, trying to get through the day so it can be tomorrow/the weekend/next week already. I suppose it all comes down to being present and mindful in the moment.

Also, the Merlin app is great! I’ve used it a few times now in the park on my way to the supermarket. Nothing but the usual suspects, but still fun to see (hear!) what birds are around me.

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Thanks Laura - I'm so glad you love Merlin too! For some reason, I find it very soothing having the app listening patiently beside me while I'm writing. It makes me want to seek out woodlands in which to work, which can only be a good thing.

And - YES! - I have exactly the same experience of some days having a more open or more closed mind. It does come down to being present and mindful, but I personally find those words a bit nebulous. 'Be present' people tell me, but they don't say how.

That's why I love the thing about looking around and saying out loud, 'Well, if this isn't nice, then I don't know what is.' I should also have credited Everything Is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo, where I first read about this little technique. It's like taking an appreciation-photo for the future. It automatically turns anything into a minor moment.

Something to remember when we feel like we're going through the motions. Thank you for your comment and giving me the chance to appreciate this little moment of connection with you!

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Thanks for your reply David! I hadn’t heard of Everything is Figureoutable, I’ll have to check that out.

Indeed, being ‘present and mindful’ can be quite vague. Thanks for sharing your technique! What helps me is to consciously use multiple senses to take in a moment, and notice not only what I see, but also what I hear, smell, and sometimes even feel (yeah I’m that weirdo that likes to touch trees and leaves when I walk through a forest).

‘Taking an appreciation photo’ is a great way to phrase it! Hope you’ll have a wonderful day :)

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Ooh, yeah - touching trees is a great thing to do! I sometimes do a thing where I sit somewhere and take a minute to notice:

5 things I can see

4 things I can hear

3 things I can feel/touch

2 things I can smell

1 thing I can taste

It won't surprise you to hear that I learned this little meditation on an ecopsychology course last year with Natural Academy :)

I hope you're having a good tree-touching day today!

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Love that! I’m gonna have to remember that. Not having a great day today, so I’ll just go touch a tree now =)

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