Congratulations on the qualification! I half-heartedly started looking into it, but have let it lapse: I figured that, if I can't go out on a single moorland walk without at some point sinking up to my thigh in bog (and I can't) then perhaps I'm not the best person to be leading. Plus I got really hacked off that 90% of the stuff they send me is about mountaineering (and gear fetish), I have almost zero interest in mountaineering, certainly no interest in leading it, and it pisses me off that to become a moorland leader I have to subject myself to so much mountaineering spam.

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Thank you! Yes, it is a group leading award rather than a personal award so if you've got no interest in leading other people then it's a bit pointless. There are other awards for personal use though - check out the NNAS Gold. If you are interested in leading groups on moorland, then I would highly recommend doing it. The bog wading is all part of the fun!

I'm sorry you had that experience with spam - I'm not sure who 'they' is - MTA? Personally, I find their membership newsletters and the magazine very useful, but that's probably more a reflection of my interest in the professional leading side of things.

Happy to chat if you're thinking about reigniting your interest!

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Yes, it was group leading that I was interested in, we had a chat about it a while ago, I thought it might be a solution to my chronic unemployability. But the more I think about it, the more I think it would be unsuitable. I did buy the hill walking training handbook, and I'm working my way through it.

And yes, "they" is the MTA. The magazine makes me cringe. And, like I say, it seems to be almost entirely about mountains, not hills.

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