I can't phrase this in any way that's not spammy.

Happy Friday!
Okay, this is going to sound spammy and probably 80% of you won't give a honk in a hailstorm, but those of you who do...
Would you like your own custom email address?
Would you rather have the thrusting, dynamic alan@monkeytennis.biz than the boring, flatulant norwichalan451@altavista.net?
Would you still like to use the powerful and familiar interface of Gmail or Outlook?
Would you like all this FOR FREE*?
Well, you've (inadvertently) come to the right place.
As you almost certainly won't have noticed, this email is coming to you from david@davidcharles.info instead of my terribly unprofessional Hotmail address. Although it's possible to set up a custom email address like mine through Google's G Suite or Microsoft 365, they're gonna cost you about £50 a year in fees. Not smart.
Instead, allow me to introduce you to Mailgun. What is Mailgun? I hear you ask. Well, it's a "transactional email API service for developers". Pretty cute, huh?
Yup, that's about my level of understanding too. If you don't care how it works, but only want to know how to get started, then go here. (Oh yes, that is my new website, if you're wondering - halfway through migration...)
You're welcome.
* You do have to buy the domain name, but the hosting costs nothing.

STOIC OF THE DAY: Wild beasts run away from dangers when they see them. Once they have escaped, they are free of anxiety. But we are tormented by both the future and the past. (Seneca, Letters from a Stoic, 5)
And if you're wondering what on earth I'm doing dispensing tech advice to people who signed up for tales of comedy and adventure, then you might as well ask what the hell is Jim Carrey doing?
It's all about the love, innit.
- dc
p.s. Life To The Lees: Cycling Around Britain is still merrily asale.
p.p.s. Oooh... You can forward this email to a friend!